Sunday, September 9, 2012

Enjoy the Simple Things, Eat Well and Show Love

By Carin Fredette
Co-Owner/ Chef  of  Sweet Pea Natural Market and Cafe

Finding quite time to enjoy simple things in my day is sometimes challenging to say the least.
After our families morning rush of getting the children off to school, the majority of my day is spent answering the phone that is constantly ringing, assisting customers who are asking questions about foods and products, orders need to be placed, employees need training and assistance, daily menu planning and preparation needs to happen, and I have the responsibility running a seamless, profitable professional kitchen. The list goes on and on it seems....but in those daily moments when my mind is free, this is the time I find my inspiration leaps forward, this is the place where I draw my creative energy from, with loving attention, to nourish my community members and family. Being a natural foods chef is one of the best and most rewarding jobs I know of.  The ability to be conscious of preparing healthful, visually stunning and nourishing foods, drinks and elixirs for my loved ones and community fills my heart with pride and joy to no end.  I am constantly reminded how much of a difference it makes to eat well and to treat others with with kindness and true affection.  Every being deserves these things, and the truth is, I feel blessed to have this opportunity to serve you. Thank you all for the love and support you shower our communities natural food store with.  
Blessings, Peace and Love.